Labor Day Ranks 2nd Most Dangerous Holiday for Florida Drivers


Stay Safe over Labor Day Weekend

With Labor Day on the horizon, it is important to make your plans for safe driving if you are expecting to go out. The holiday weekend is the second most dangerous holiday for Florida drivers, producing 20% more accidents than most any other holiday, according to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV). In 2020, 3,714 crashes occurred in Florida during the long weekend, 43 of which were deadly. Stay safe this Labor Day weekend by following these simple safety precautions.

Several factors fuel the increase in accidents, including alcohol/substance use, an increase in drivers, and additional distractions such as carpool passenger conversations. To help prevent accidents, Florida Highway Patrol will have an increased presence throughout the state. Their efforts will be focused on removing impaired drivers and enhancing services to motorists who need roadside assistance while traveling. While they will be working hard over the weekend, we can all do our part to make their jobs easier and our roads more safe.

Don’t drive impaired. If you are planning on consuming alcohol, do so with a designated driver in the plans. If you see an impaired or aggressive driver, call *FHP (*347) or 911. Do not engage with the driver.

Follow the rules of the road. Do not speed and follow the standard procedures of the road. Simple accidents can have deadly results when speed is involved. 

Wear your seatbelt. Wearing your seatbelt as a front-seat passenger can limit your chances of moderate to fatal injury by 50% (NHTSA)

Don’t drive distracted. Keep your eyes focused on the road ahead of you, your phone on silent, your hands on the steering wheel, and your mind focused forward rather than on conversations in the back. If you become involved in a car accident over the holiday weekend, it is important you seek counsel and representation from an attorney experienced in Florida vehicular crashes. The attorneys and professionals at Cohen & Newmark PLLC will talk to you about the specifics of your case and advise you of the next steps. Let our team help you navigate the long road after a crash so you can focus on healing. Reach out to us online or call us at 1-800-CALL-LEE today if you have been in a car accident.

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